

Saturday was funnn! I toured Kovan alone. Boring as hell.
Afterwards met up with Jie, then cabbed to B house. Those guys were already there! "Smartie" knew he was going to see me so yeah.

Onyx welcomed me(; Adorable, at first I flipped a little(and continued to afterwards) because his body is just too soft.

I was afraid of accidentally hurting him. Those guys were playing Guitar Hero.

I got a try on it and suck hella. HA. Shall practise more, then. Slacked abit, explored and stuff.

Finally set for the BBQ, we went downstairs and I had like some seriously good bee hoon with curry. Amazing.

There was even a swing at the side yard. B was busy getting the stuff ready and such. Drank Sarsi all day. She got ready some things on the grill. I did not bbq, was wearing contacts and refused to remove them(not leng).

Insanely good seasoned food especially the fish with chilli oil, marshmellows were the sex! I grilled my marshmellow and took it up to eat in an extremely 'gross' manner according to my friends. HAHA. 'Smartie' got ready his hand in case I dropped the melted marshmellow goo onto B floor huh..

Sat down chat and such. Love the swing! 'Smartie' had to swing it with full force that we heard the discolated sound and started laughing.

Wide topic. I commented that the guys were ungallent enough to not give me the chicken wing but ate all by themselves. I see oh see shy embarassed faces. LMAO. Afterwards B and me were discussing how our school does not have any nice looking guys. Sadded. B# and H#E felt their ego broken. Soooory guys, then B said except for the latter. Funneh. Can not really describe things in words.

I also complained that they have a year plus more to study for their Os and I only have a few months. B# and H#E therefore say WHAT THE HELLA AM I DOING HERE THEN?? GO HOME AND STUDYYY!!!

Jie was soooo quiet throughout, guess she is not used to presence of guys.

Cabbed home when the fun was over. Midnight charge was KILLA!

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