
Say Hi

... to my best friend or rather current best friend! Which is my mobile phone.

There is no way to use the computer so I will be using my beloved phone to blog!

It has so many functions that Singaporeans IT developers should really branch out into the Android market(rather than pesky Apple Apps)! Yes, Android is still kind of lacking behind because most of us are unfamiliar with the user interface and Apple is some awfully ambitious and trusted software that had one fine day tried its hands on creating an iPhone.

They are not being entirely kind to us, those Android people, for only letting Singaporeans download FREE applications. I feel that since we have Free apps, they should be better in a sense that they prove some worth and out of the box to rival Apple.

Not only that, all apps should be monitored and decided to be placed onto the web by Android market people. Most of the applications are kind of useless, may contain viruses, forces close when open and screwed our Android based phones upside down in tight situations. The current updating of the SD card irritates the most especially when I am in the middle of a download and my phone auto hangs then restarts.

I am aware of the fact that I mentioned loving my phone but just like a HUMAN best friend, once they go to sleep, they would not be there for me. Thereby, I am left to bare my soul out here. Gomen

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