
When I am too lazy...

I have to constantly settle with whatever my mom gets for me. I complain too much every time. Actually I wanted to go have sushi today but hardly anybody lives near me. So much for being convenient.

That silly Bee will be going on a holiday getaway on Monday and coming back to SG on Thursday. Busy rich girl. Thanks to her, I can not tan. But I shall be a nice girl and wait for her return so we can all go tan together. Kiss me. HA.

There are very interesting petitions going around. Now there is the World Cup which I have zero interest in. Not really keen in watching Teevee. Not been borrowing novels from my all-time favorite series. Hell I will tell you like that. I can not afford to be reading novels anyway, too much things on hand which I am failing to accomplish because of my procrastination(as always).

Many other random thoughts are flooding my head atm. Why do 'below-than-pretty' girls like to take photographs of themselves so much? When the quality turns out like shyt and they further disfigure it with words from applications like Paint? Not only that, why do they of all places, enjoy taking pictures in the lavatories? Maybe I should call them snap-shots, cause it is obviously not photograph-worthy. Maybe Singaporeans are getting all fired up by western influence that they have decided to walk down Orchard Road in mini skirts. Worst still, there are the aspiring-to-be-lady-gaga teenagers fasion thing. At times, you look at people with fat things and such, you go, Why the hella they wearing that? Completely exposed I mean and so NOT a sight for sore eyes. Teenagers, attending school is a pirioty, not a place to be fashionable(when your fashion sucks). Short skirts to attract rapists? Blames yourselves, then. Do not go crying to your mama or to the police what had happened to you, not once, not twice but many times. Okie, if you girls or whoever are gorgeous, you do not have to wear short skirts. Guys or boys or men will STILL be naturally attracted to you.
(p.s. I can go all EGO, make heads turn and look hella pretty cause that is simply me*winks)

This was the bread I made for my practical.

Salad from Charco's. Not commendable at all.

The chicken was too bland, no seasoning at all what fuck.

This sweet I got from Carrefour is really really nice. Japanese honestly make the best sweets and anything yummy! Creative.

Pine Garden's Lychee Martini Cake.

Plenty of reviews about it but just not to my liking. I prefer something strong but the martini was too bland. Not only that, the slice is pathetically small. Am I glad I only order the Black Forest whole and not the lycee one. The Black Forest cake has a strong liqueur taste from the plump, soaked blackcurrants. Totally irresistible. To top it off, the top is covered with fresh cream.

So... anybody going to treat me to Ramen at Tampopo?

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