
I am too good for you.

Have been thinking for quite long already, should I delete some facebook people from my friends list? Some I do not even know in real life, I wonder why did they add me. Not to mention, there are quite a few 'friends' obsessed with me. That is like in nicer terms to being 'stalked'. A really short while ago, I even encountered some weird person stalking me and claiming to the ENTIRE world that I am his girlfriend. Hello, just because I sat with you once did not mean anything, I was simply trying to be friendly. Narrow-minded people would have thought that there was something between us. But only losers would have thought that way. See our differences? Even if you want to chase me, please be on a comparable par with me, my social status, my intelligence level. This is somewhat insulting but if you realise it sooner no girl(boy?) like me tolerates vulgarities. Look into the mirror first. What was worst was he stalked me all the way home. Whatever I wrote on facebook, he went to comment, which I found it annoying. I was replying my friend and he went to comment. If you get what I mean.

Back to the topic on facebook 'friends', I am really interested in adding talented artises, such as comic artists and certain caucasian singers. Well, I simply appreciate works of art. There are even people who are close to me whom I do not really adore or spare much thought on adding me just to GAIN POPULARITY. These people are seriously no-life, challenging with one another to see who will have the largest amount of 'friends' on some social networking site. Come to think of it, when I was younger, I was like that to. Now I have changed to understand the TRUE meaning of 'friendship'.

Thirdly, when people talk to me, I realise that they 'happen' to 'know' a lot about me. IS IT NOT OBVIOUS THAT YOU PEOPLE ARE OBSESSED WITH ME BY STALKING MY PROFILE? Yeah, so cut that shit out by gossiping or spreading rumors about me when you know NO single detail of my life, LOSERS! The reason as to why you hate me is because I am a MUCH better person than you. Jealousy man, right right? :D

Why guys who are not good-looking have the cheek to go after good-looking partners? Ya all that shit about APPRECIATING BEAUTY. Better look as good as the girl first, before wanting to make an IMPRESSION. I have this friend, or should I say foe, who is so totally thick-skin that he thinks he is SOOOOO very good-looking and everything good in the world. BLA BLA BLA. When he has NO looks and NO substance. I felt rather insulted when he critised me by saying I am NOT pretty. Uh.. that is not for you to decide. I never commented on your looks before but since you DID, I shall right now, on my blog. So I think you are too self-centered to be wandering your SHITTY ass off into my blog anyways. Sorry, self-centeredness should be for me. I WANT the world to revolve around me. You can not kick a ball like a footballer so shut the fuck up and do not act big. Mr Know-It-All. Do not think about chasing my pretty girlfriend as well(:

I'mma supa glad nowadays no more problems and for everyone out there who is being stalked at some point, the BEST way is just to ignore or tell the person directly YOU are not interested and if he/she dares to try anything funny, be ready with friends around and alert your parents or the police if he/she is a SERIAL killer(eh I mean stalker). Get bouncer or bodyguard even better! Make some mince meat for breakkie!

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