

Attended a chalet on Friday night. Did not take any photographs at all! All of them I do not know then felt very shy. But anyways when we reached, it seemed a bit early, they were still preparing the charcoal and such.

So we decided to walk around Pasir Ris. Got insect repellent, 7-up and sour candy(wife's favorite).

The food seemed quite little and I suffered from indigestion afterwards.

At night went to the park to sleep. No space inside the chalet. Yes, crazy right, I slept on some stage and a park. Really exhausted, wanted to watch the stars in the night sky but it was raining.

I even missed the sunrise the morning by 30mins.

Headed back to the chalet to bathe. Very stunned when I saw myself in the mirror, I looked like I got punched in the eye. First time getting panda eyes! Fuck ttm. Was unable to attend the Cos event because of Jie. Sadded. Her shoes have not arrived yet and today I am too lazy and bored to head to Downtown East again.

My friend's friend drove us to Riverdale mall to have our lunch. The food was only so-so.

Took a bus home and fell asleep on the bus but luckily my friend woke me up at the right stop.

Lastly click on my nuffnag ads! (:

P.S. Do you even know me, who are you to make claims about me?

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