

Met up with my silly Bee and Baka to have dinner over at the famous Noodle House Ken.

My second time visiting the outlet and the prices have sadly increased. Is pork getting more expensive nowadays? Look at the menu, all seems so OISHI.

The last time I had this Charsiew ramen, which had many pieces of charsiew and egg as well. I can not find the post to link back but if any of your have tried before, you get what I mean.

This time, I ate the Miso Butter Ramen for a change. Look at that delicious, fattening piece of butter and I am already captivated. Pretty expensive, 14bucks. We ordered some side orders> Gyoza and Mentaiko Eggroll and split among us. The total price for me ended up being 20bucks. Sure kill.

(pardon the badly taken picture, set to wrong mode T__T")

After eating, we went around walking and I bought Veet cream to try. It was great. A chemical that smells like hair-salon and burns your hair. Go give it a try. Although the pricing is quite expensive, now they are having some discounts.

Roller blading @ East Coast Park. This was unbelievable that we took an mrt, two 76s just to get there. Apparently Bee told us that there was a direct bus into East Coast Park, but she did not check properly and I found out that the bus does NOT operate on a weekday. I basically wasted $1.35 when I could just have taken a direct bus from my house.
Can not blame the silly Bee. HAHA(:

We still walked a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong way, around 30mins to our destination. Landed, ate mee soto. My school's mee soto still da BEST! Why so long never sell! Hope when I return to school in around 4days, I will get to eat it. Maybe they should make the potato cutlet as well.

Borrowed skates, 10bucks for two hours. Not worth it but whatever la, it was fun afterall.

The last time I skated was like many years back? A three-day course my primary school got us to paid for. I had expected to fall alot of times but only once..... on my ass! (:

Very hard to maneuver around, I could not seem to grasp the concept of lifting one way, balance weight on one foot and glide. All I did was walk.. I took pathetically loooooong to get to where my friends were. They were basically advanced skaters. Supa fast.

There was one part where I was going downhill and the wind was so strong, my blades sort of glided out of control. I grabbed onto my shield for dear life. HAHAHA.

My bag was a hassle to lunge around and sweetie carried it for me. SWEET.

My legs were killing!

OTW home.

Slept at 3.30 am and woke up at 1.30pm.

My prettyyyyyyyyy idol.

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